In the introduction to this new Substack, Smashing Spiders, I described the purpose for and the methods by which I hope to help disentangle webs of evil and expose the perpetrating spiders who weave such webs. In this post I will propose a method of organization and an outline for future posts on these topics.
The more I investigate these crimes and the deeper I descend into these rabbit holes, the more clearly I understand the patterns and motivations of the criminals, and the desperate plight of their victims. Moreover, as naïveté gives way to sober reality, and as my sense of our awful situation is sharpened, I see how horrific evil and secret combinations (or conspiracies) operate on many different levels.
Whereas for many years I only faintly recognized the possibility that conspiracies ruled the upper echelons of governments in powerful nations, and that conspiring and evil men carried out their nefarious plans through false advertisements and noxious substances, it is now abundantly apparent that, as long as secret combinations are allowed to thrive, not even the most tranquil neighborhoods are safe.
For these and other reasons I propose to report on secret combinations beginning locally, in neighborhoods and cities, and then moving outwards to states and regions, countries, and then the entire world. Secret combinations on a global scale are as much a reality as they are on a local scale, and they may sometimes be intertwined. Furthermore, there is a history of secret combinations that can be traced to the dawn of civilization when Cain slew his brother Abel.
Thus far, the best sources that I have gathered to report the facts of this history and these networks of evil on various levels include (but are not limited to) the following:
Local Conspiracies in Urban and Suburban Utah
Investigations in Ritual Abuse, by Go El
Government Sex Predators, by Go El
Healthy Families Podcast, with Jenny Hatch
Conspiracies in Utah and in other States
We Are the People Utah, with Jason and Alexia Preston
Tree of Liberty Society (see also here), with Ben McClintock
Defending Utah (see also here and here), with Enoch Moore
Conspiracies in the United States of America and on a Global Level
Unlimited Hangout (see also here), with Whitney Webb
Exposing Global Predators, with Peter and Ginger Breggin
Of course there are many other courageous people who are doing their best to shed light upon and eradicate secret combinations. Perhaps you can recommend other sites and sources in the comments. But this is sufficient to begin.
There are also a number of books that I recommend as a good starting point for anyone who would like to help smash spiders, including especially:
An Enemy Hath Done This, by Ezra Taft Benson,
None Dare Call it Conspiracy (see also The Rockefeller File), by Gary Allen
Hiding in Plain Sight, by Ken Bowers
Proofs of a Conspiracy, by John Robinson
Utah’s Secret Combinations, by Defending Utah
Invasion, by Ben McClintock
One Nation Under Blackmail (Volumes 1 and 2), by Whitney Webb
There are other books that could be mentioned, such as Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley, and Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky. What other sources, websites, articles, and books on these topics might you recommend?